About Us
Best Sexologist Doctor
In the year 1993 Dr. K, Lal with great desire to serve common people started his clinic in the outskirts of Haryana in Sonipat. There were many myths and unawareness regarding Sexual and Reproductive Health among common people. Since then till date he has treated and counseled thousands of couples for their Sexual Problems and Infertility at very nominal cost and hence build countless happy families.
Mission & Vision
Lal Clinic was established to bring quality treatment within the reach of each and every individual. We are committed to built happy families with a vision to touch every unsatisfied couple to transform their married life to be happier and satisfied.

Dr K. Lal
Consultant – Sexual and Reproductive Health
DR. K. Lal after completing his medicine degree from M.D. university Rohtak in 1985 worked with various organizations such as Jankidas Kapoor hospital, Sonipat, JMCH Purkhas, Medical Advisor to Delhi Drug De-Addiction centre run by DCP Mrs. Kiran Bedi. Furthermore, also as Advisor to PARYAS – a Juvenile de-addiction centre run by DCP-crime Mr. Amod Kanth Delhi. Both the projects were highly appreciated and acknowledged by society.
Dr Lal has more than 35 years of experience of treating patients with Sex problems. Dr. Lal has a unique specialization in Sexual and Reproductive Medicines. He is treating patients with complaints of Impotency, Erectile Dysfunction, Hormonal Disturbances, Infertility by unique blend of Ayurvedic and Modern Medicine.
Fellowships/ Memberships
Serving President N.I.M.A. Dist Sonipat Since 2015 till date
Life Member Asian Society of Andrology
Served as President N.I.M.A. Sonepat 1993-1994
Member Institute of Health & Hygeine
Life Member N.I.M.A.
Awards & Participation
- Received Best Doctor Of The Year (Sex and Infertility) by SIX SIGMA HEALTHCARE AWARD 2019 which is considered as OSCARS OF MEDICINE at Hotel PULMAN, AEROCITY, New Delhi.
- Awarded Best Sexologist Of The Year at most Prestigious SOUTH ASIA PACIFIC HEALTHCARE SUMMIT & BUSINESS AWARDS 2019.
- Participated in NORTHCON 2019 organised by MAX Hospital which was held in Delhi in March 2019.
- Attended a workshop on MANEGMENT OF INFERTILITY: UPDATE at New Delhi in Oct 2000
- Attended NATIONAL CONGRESS ON ANDROLOGY ; REPRODUCTIVE MEDICINE at Dyanand Medical College, Ludhiana in Dec 1999.
- Participated in 33rd WORLD CONGRESS OF NATURAL MEDICINE at New Delhi in March 1995
- Attended a workshop on IMPOTENCE:ERECITLE DYSFUNCTION organized by ASIAN SOCEITY OF ANDROLOGY at PGI, Chandigarh in Dec.1994
- Participated in 5th NATIONAL CONFERENCE organized by A.A.I. at RML Hospital Delhi, in Nov. 1992
- Participated in MEDICAL PRATICE UPDATE held at AIIMS, New Delhi in March 1984
- Received Certificate of Appreciation By the DCP Delhi Ms Kiran Bedi(IPS) in 1988 for services to NAV JYOTI CLINIC, a deaddiction clinic run by Delhi Police Department.