In India, one in ten males suffers from Erectile Dysfunction. Most males do not consult any Doctor / Sexologist Specialist for the following reasons: 


  • People are ignorant that aid is accessible 
  • They accept it as incurable 
  • They are too ashamed to seek assistance 
  • They are unable to pay a doctor 
  • They are afraid of Social stigma 


Over 40% of men felt uneasy or uncomfortable while discussing erectile problems with their doctor, according to a 2018 survey of 597 men. 


It is obvious that males in India are not receiving the support they require, but in some cultures the issue is far more severe. In Japan, a small study of men aged 40 to 69 discovered the following: 


  • 39% said they have problems with their sexuality. Testing, however, showed that 92% of the sample did, in fact, fit the ED definition. 
  • There was just a 48% interest in treatment. 
  • 58% of people admitted that they delayed getting help because they were embarrassed to visit their doctor. 
  • In 42% of cases, ED was not known to be treatable. 
  • Prior to the trial, just one individual had really sought treatment. 


This is a major issue because erectile dysfunction occasionally signals serious underlying medical conditions. Erectile Dysfunction may be an early sign of Diabetes, Heart & other Cardiovascular disorders, Enlarged Prostate or kidney disease 


It is evident that men are unable to obtain the care they require due to embarrassment and ignorance. But if they get past their discomfort and discuss ED with their sexologist considering it just another disease, they might overcome it with the help of Sexologist. Physicians treat hundreds of individuals with erectile dysfunction, there is really no need for embarrassment. You are welcome to consult with us for advice. 



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