Diabetes mellitus (Medical name) is a condition when your body cannot utilize all the sugar you take in the form of food thus increasing its level in your blood . Diabetes is a metabolic disorder or we can say Lifestyle disorder where your body doesn’t make enough insulin to control the amount of sugar present in your blood.

Who should go for Test of Sugar

If you have any of the following conditions/symptoms you should get check for Diabetes

  •   Excessive thirst
  •   Frequent urination
  •   Sudden weight loss
  •   Always feeling tired
  •   Feeling pain/weakness in legs
  •   Excessive hunger
  •   Dry skin



Very first and most common investigation of Diabetes is Blood Sugar level preferably Fasting (empty stomach) & Postprandial (2hrs post breakfast). If it comes to be high (> 180 mg/dL) then HbA1C is to be done as it is a better investigation to identify between prediabetic and diabetic conditions

Value of HbA1c                                  Interpretation

< 5.7 %                                                             Nondiabetic

5.7 % to 6.5%                                                   Prediabetic

> 6.5 %                                                            Diabetic

What if I don’t take medicine for Diabetes?

If you don’t take medicines regularly to control your blood Sugar or in spite of taking medicines your blood sugar levels are uncontrolled it’s most likely that with passing time you may develop allied complications in your body.

Besides above , uncontrolled Diabetes over a long period causes various Sex problems viz. Erectile Dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation, Impotence etc

How to control or prevent Diabetes

Because it is a metabolic / life style disorder associated with our wrong eating habits and sedentary life, first and foremost thing is to eat right along with at least 30min of physical exercise daily. Don’t forget your visits to your Physician.
If you are diabetic always be in touch with your Physician, take prescribed medicines regularly, don’t stop or change medicine without asking your doctor. Get your blood test for sugar every 3 months.

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