We will begin by stating that since scientists don’t yet fully understand COVID-19’s long-term consequences, much of what we may hear and read is hypothetical. The effects of COVID-19 also differ considerably from person to person; although some people have little or no symptoms, others have severe symptoms that can occasionally be fatal. 


No studies have directly connected COVID-19 to erectile dysfunction. However, a literature review offers numerous potential ways in which COVID-19 can cause ED. 


Cardio-Vascular Damage 

It is known that the COVID-19 virus can harm blood vessels over the long term. Erectile dysfunction may be a long-term impact of COVID-19 because vascular problems are a major contributor to ED. 


Testosterone levels may drop as a result of hypogonadism brought on by testicular injury in COVID-19. Low testosterone is attached to erectile dysfunction. 

Psychological Factors 

Both PTSD and depression, which are psychosocial causes of ED, have been connected to COVID-19. 


COVID-19 may cause long-term erectile dysfunction in some patients, despite the absence of any concrete clinical data to support this. 


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