Our culture has trouble grasping words and definitions when discussing sex. For communication to be understood, words and meaning must be used. If we can’t express ourselves clearly, we can’t describe our bodies’ conditions to others clearly.  

The doctor may focus on the incorrect issue if we do not use the words correctly. Ejaculation and orgasm are two words that I find people frequently misuse. They are two quite separate biological processes that typically take place at the same time. Ejaculation and orgasm can both experience functional issues. So let us understand both clearly.


It is the pelvic/penile muscles contracting in a pulsating motion to discharge semen. Muscle contractions during ejaculations can be single or multiple and last for a few seconds to at least 30 seconds. It is typical for the semen to dribble out and to shoot out several feet as well! 

An Orgasm

It is the sensation of elation that follows the climax. Frequently, vocalizations, other bodily movements, and muscle spasms can all be a part of an orgasm. However, the evacuation of semen is not aided by these movements. A sudden release of brain chemicals results in an orgasm. These euphoric experiences can be described as a big, tiny, entire body, genital-focused, and they may even appear to come from other parts of the body.

The majority of males believe that these two occurrences happen at once. The truth is that they do happen close together, but for some men, the orgasm comes first, followed by the ejaculate, whereas for other guys, the ejaculate comes first, followed by the orgasm.

These are both entirely typical. While the pulsating ejaculatory contractions are enjoyable, they do not actually constitute an orgasm, any more than the pleasant stimulation of the penis does.

It’s interesting to note that some men can distinguish between ejaculation and orgasm. Until they decide to ejaculate, some guys can learn to have numerous orgasms. Even though it requires a lot of practice, it is possible.

Some guys can induce full-body orgasms by stimulating their anals or prostates. These orgasms don’t include an accompanying ejaculation and aren’t even related to the penis at all! Men with spinal cord injuries have been reported in anecdotes to be able to stimulate their armpits or neck to cause an orgasm despite being unable to feel their penis.

 Some males can induce orgasms by stimulating their nipples. Some guys can experience orgasm or ejaculate without even touching their penis! 

Ejaculation and orgasms can also cause issues. Please be sure to be informed of the specific problem if it occurs to you.

Are you having issues with climax (loss of bliss, lessened sensation, loss of orgasm) or ejaculation (such as timing, pain, or semen)? Always get advice from Lal Clinic Delhi.

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