Erectile Dysfunction Treatment In Sonipat Haryana

Commonly termed as Impotence, Erectile Dysfunction in males or ED is actually related to sexual dysfunction in males. If we talk about the most prominent characteristic of this disorder, it is the inability of males to either develop or even maintain a constant erection of the penis during any sort of sexual activity. Though it affects men of all ages but becomes increasingly prevalent with age. A study on male aging found that as many as 40% of men experience some degree of erectile dysfunction by the time they reach forty, and the incidence increases as high as 70% by age of seventy.
Hypogonadism, hormonal insufficiencies, drug abuse result in erectile dysfunction in Young males while Diabetes, high BP ,cardiovascular diseases, neurological problem are perhaps the most important causes of impotence or Erectile Dysfunction in elderly. Whatever the reason and however old the sufferer is, Erectile Dysfunction has many psychological consequences, even resulting in relationship difficulties and loss of self-image.
Erectile dysfunction symptoms, as the name suggests, are more often characterised by the inability of the person to either develop or continuously maintain an erection during any sexual activity. Usually, this happens repeatedly and regularly and doesn’t improve with time. Sometimes the erection is developed but can’t be maintained, while in the more chronic cases, an erection isn’t even developed in the first place itself. Other broad symptoms include a reduced sex drive as well as sexual disinterest. Soft erections, coupled with anxiety, are also some of the common symptoms.
Causes for erectile dysfunction can broadly be divided into two categories: Physical and Psychological still in majority patients it’s both: physical as well psychological.
Physical causes includes Heart disease, atherosclerosis, high cholesterol and high blood pressure as errection of Penis is directly related to blood supply to penis and all these conditions affect the amount of blood flowing to the penis. Diabetes is another major cause of Erectile Dysfunction as Diabetes causes damage to nerves and blood vessels. Besides some lifestyle disorders like Obesity, metabolic disorders, sleep disorders, smoking, alcoholism etc. are among chief causes of Erectile Dysfunction.
Psychologically poor health also has its impact on errection especially in men below the age of 40. As arousal starts in brain first, so Depression, anxiety, stress, some kind of mental illness, performance anxiety etc all induce Erectile Dysfunction in young males.
Besides Physical and psychological factors, few drugs also affect Erectile Dysfunction like medicines used for treatment of prostate enlargement, male pattern baldness, high blood pressure, Kidney failure can also cause Erectile Dysfunction.

There is absolutely no formal medical test which will be used to diagnose a case of erectile dysfunction. However, specific blood tests to rule out physical causes like atherosclerosis, hyperlipidemia, Diabetes, Hormonal disturbances can actually be done to determine any underlying disease that may have resulted cumulatively to this disorder. Electro penile graph is very helpful to check the proper blood flow to pennies.
Some of the ways to diagnose Erectile Dysfunction are Duplex ultrasound, Dynamic Infusion Cavernosometry and Cavernosography (DICC), Magnetic Resonance Angiography(MRA), Nocturnal Penile Tumescence , Penile nerve functioning as well as Penile Biothesiometry.
Millions of men struggle with problem of Erectile Dysfunction at some point of their life, but shockingly very few seek treatment. Those who fail to seek treatment for erectile dysfunction often feel as though they are alone in their suffering, and never have enough courage to speak about their problem thus live with it only.
When it comes to treatment of Erectile Dysfunction or ED treatment in Sonipat Haryana, the most important thing to remember is that our expert Sexologist decides the treatment depending on the cause of the disorder. For patients, where the reasons for erectile dysfunction are physiological, treatment is given to correct the underline cause first, and then specific treatment to cure Erectile Dysfunction is given. If it’s due to lifestyle disorders, Doctor may recommend aerobic exercises, Pranayam etc along with medicines. Quitting smoking and reduced alcohol consumption is also of great help.
If the reason for male Erectile Dysfunction is psychological, then our Doctor takes care of mental health, psycho-counselling in addition to specific medicines helps a lot in such cases.
Vacuum erection devices are also used whenever required treating Erectile Dysfunction.
So Erectile Dysfunction can be cured at Lal Clinic in Sonipat Haryana effectively, but it depends on the cause. Some cases of ED are easier to cure than others. But, with the right diagnosis, support, and treatment, it’s possible for ED to go away without the need for ED medications like Viagra as it gives instant but temporary relief only.
Our establishment has highly qualified, professional and experienced, two times Best Sexologist Award winning Doctor who specializes in diagnosis & treatment of several male as well as female sexual problems and Counselling. For the best treatment of Erectile Dysfunction in Sonipat Haryana at the most affordable price contact us now.
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