Best And Most Effective Ways To Lower 

High blood pressure raises your chances of getting both heart attack and stroke. It’s vital to know your numbers, because if you really have high blood pressure you’ll desperately want to bring those numbers down. Talk to your doctor about the best ways for you to lower your blood pressure.

One of the best and most effective way to lower blood pressure begins with changes you can make to your lifestyle so as to help lower your blood pressure and reduce your risk of heart disease. In addition, your doctor may prescribe you some medicine to lower your blood pressure. These are called antihypertensive medicines.

The goal of treatment is to reduce your blood pressure to normal levels. Moreover, your doctor may prescribe you medicine that’s easy to take and has few, if any, side effects. This treatment is highly successful. If your blood pressure can only be controlled with medicine, you’ll have to take the medication for the rest of your life. It is common to need more than one medicine to assist control your blood pressure. Don’t stop taking the medicine without talking with your doctor. Otherwise, you may increase your risk of having a stroke or heart attack/cardiac arrest.

Some best ways to lower blood pressure are mentioned below:

Lose Weight

If you’re overweight, losing at least 3-5 extra kilos can really lower your blood pressure remarkably. It will even help with sleep apnea; when your breathing briefly stops several times while you sleep. (It can raise your blood pressure and thus make your heart beat irregularly.) You need to shed weight slowly with a steady mix of healthy eating as well as exercise.

Keeping tabs on the scale will further help your blood pressure take care of itself. You must check your readings regularly at home, and also try to stay in your target range.

Do Exercise

Exercise most days of the week. Exercise is one of the best and most effective ways to lower your blood pressure. Being physically active for minimum half an hour on daily basis, goes a long way toward keeping or getting your blood pressure in check.

Reduce Salt

Consume a low-sodium diet. Too much sodium (or to say salt) causes blood pressure to rise. The AHA recommends keeping your daily sodium or salt intake to less than 2 grams, however keeping it less than 1.5 grams is even better! For example, the DASH diet provides a low-sodium eating plan for you.

Limit Your Alcohol

Limit alcohol intake to not over 1 to 2 drinks per day. Drinking more than average—1 drink for women and 2 drinks for men—can cause your blood pressure to rise. Plus, alcohol can cause you to gain a lot of weight, which can also result in an increase in blood pressure.

Remove Stress

Make stress reduction a priority. Situations which are stressful can temporarily cause your blood pressure to go up. But if you really continue to be stressed, your blood pressure will remain really high. Find calming activities you can do every day to help you relieve stress. Listening to relaxing music, coloring, walking outside, and even taking a warm bath can further help you keep your stress levels low.

Furthermore, as you try to lower your blood pressure naturally, remember that it’s vital to include your doctor as part of this process. Certain recommendations about an individuals diet or physical activity can vary from person to person, if really you want to make sure you are safely working towards lowering your blood pressure.

For more guidelines you can talk to our consultant.


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