Nightfall or wet dreams or Swapandosh (in Hindi) is one of the most common sexual phenomenons found in men, especially among teenage boys. In this article, we bring you some of the facts, myths, side effects and treatments to the nightfall problem in males.



Nightfall is involuntary ejaculation of semen during a sub-conscious state of mind that happens during sleep. Here the person’s brain loses control to his nerves and ejaculates at an inappropriate time. Hence causing guilt, anger and frustration at the same time. People facing nightfall problems feel embarrassed and are hesitant to discuss the problems with elder/s or peers.



In Indian society we are not comfortable to openly discuss about sexual problems with adults or even in friends most of the times. As a result a person gets his knowledge about such problems from unreliable sources which are most of the time half truth and thus spreads many myths in the society which travel one generation to other. Night fall is one among such issues. Anyways we will try here to burst some of the myths regarding night fall.



Medically there is nothing wrong in a person who faces Nightfall occasionally, as some times body system itself releases some of the stored amount of semen when a person (especially young boys) is sexually inactive for a long time as there is a limit to store, such type of leakage is quite healthy.

When a person faces night fall little frequently it just signifies that the person during sub-conscious state has lost a bit of control on his nervous system. It can be rectified with some exercises and lifestyle changes.

But when a person suffers with night fall much often then he definitely need correction to his problem and there are various reasons that may cause such problem to him. But still your problem is curable, just contact best sexologist in Sonipat Haryana to consult and make sure that you don’t feel guilty if you are experiencing nightfall problems.

There are few more myths related to night fall viz. 

  • It causes low sperm count leading to infertility- there is no medical base to this.
  • It can cause erectile dysfunction to the sufferer and leads to impotency and sexual weakness, again not true.
  • Night fall occurs because of habit of masturbation. This is also a myth, rather masturbating at regular intervals helps body to get rid of excess semen produced and thus prevents night emission.
  • It happens in youngsters only. Not true as it can happen at any age if a person is very much 


Reasons For Nightfall

  • Watching an excessive amount of pornography, discussing about sex too much
  • A weak nervous system
  • Obesity, stress, anxiety, Sedentary lifestyle
  • Overindulging and under indulging masturbation habits
  • Unhealthy eating habit
  • Too much consumption of Tobacco products and alcohol 
  • Taking sex hormone (testosterone) supplements
  • Prostate gland congestion/inflammation



  • Premature ejaculation   
  • Irritated urine syndromes
  • Sleeplessness
  • Muscle cramps
  • Laziness
  • Weakness of eyesight
  • Mood swings , lack of concentration


Nightfall problems can be cured by adopting very simple yet healthy habits like

  • Taking fiber rich foods daily like fruits, lots of green vegetables, homemade curd
  • Empty your bladder before going to bed
  • Does some physical exercise or 30min walk daily to release more of Dopamine and less of Cortisol. doing yoga and Pranayam is also beneficial
  • Avoid porn literature and adult stuff in any form (printed or audio/visuals) instead read good quality literature.
  • Avoid any kind of stress and anxiety.


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