The quick answer is that testosterone levels and general sexual health are strongly correlated. Testosterone is an important hormone that helps people feel and look younger. In fact, testosterone affects a man’s overall vigor and sexual satisfaction. In early adulthood and youth, men’s testosterone levels frequently reach their highest points, but with time, they steadily fall. 

 Low testosterone, is a disorder in which the body does not produce enough of the hormone. It can result in a number of symptoms, including erectile dysfunction, diminished libido, infertility, decreased muscle mass, fat gain, mood swings, inexplicable emotions, and exhaustion. 

 Men’s bodies often alter as they age, with muscle mass decreasing and fat mass increasing notably visceral and central fat. 

 According to evidence-based practice, testosterone therapy for males between the ages of 24 and 85 appears to enhance lean body mass while substantially reducing central and visceral obesity. 

 Reports show, men with low Testosterone who began testosterone replacement therapy saw improvements in their erectile dysfunction, cognition, mood, and glycemic control in men with diabetes. They also saw reductions in fat, total cholesterol levels, bone mineral density, and erectile dysfunction. 

 Any combination of these elements may ultimately result in more vigor and activity, which can enhance your appearance and help you feel young again. 

 For a consultation, get in touch with Lal Clinic if you think you could be suffering from low testosterone. 


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